Free Clinics

We have done our best to scour the Internet, non profit organizations, yellow pages, medical websites, to find the most complete list of free medical clinics on the Internet.

Needy Meds

The 15565 clinics in this database offer medical services (some may also offer dental, mental health, or Substance Addiction services) and are free, low-cost, low-cost with a sliding scale based on income, or offer some type of financial assistance. If you're under or uninsured, and looking for a nearby free clinic, sliding scale clinic, or low-cost clinic, where you and/or your family can go for lost cost medical care, NeedyMeds can help.

HRSA Health Centers

HRSA Health Centers care for you, even if you have no health insurance – you pay what you can afford based on your income. Health centers provide services that include checkups when you are well, treatment when you are sick, complete care when you are pregnant, and immunizations and checkups for your children. Some health centers also provide mental health, substance abuse, oral health, and/or vision services. Contact the health center organization directly to confirm the availability of specific services and to make an appointment.

Free community clinics and health care centers

Community clinics are a great place to turn to for either free or low cost health care. The centers are located in every state across the nation and the thousands of locations cover the majority of the American population. The clinics listed by state below will usually provide health care regardless of a patient’s ability to pay for their medical bills or whether they have insurance or not. They will rarely turn anyone away.